
KY-035 Class Bihor magnetic sensor

Original price was: R$ 39,37.Current price is: R$ 32,81.

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SKU: 10450-H7 Categoria:
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analog Hall magnetic sensor moduleKY-035 is an analog magnetic field sensor module. The strength of the field is given by an analog voltage at the signal pin of the module KY-035. The sensor is connected to gnd and 5V of the Arduino board. The output voltage is measured by analog pin A5 on the Arduino board.The example program measures the output voltage of the sensor en presents the measured value in the serial monitor of the Arduino.The led on the board flashes in a speed depending on the strength of the magnetic field. With a small magnet this can be demonstrated.Connecting to the ArduinoPin – = GND, connect to GND of the ArduinoPin (middle pin) +5 V, connect to Arduino +5 VPin S signal, connect to Arduino pin A5Power consumption sensor, 8 mA————————————————–Example Code————————————————-/* KY-035 Hall analog sensor*/ int sensorPin = A5; // select the input pinint ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LEDint sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor void setup () {pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);Serial.begin (9600);} void loop () {sensorValue = analogRead (sensorPin);digitalWrite (ledPin, HIGH);delay (sensorValue);digitalWrite (ledPin, LOW);delay (sensorValue);Serial.println (sensorValue, DEC);}Powered by MediaWiki Powered by Semantic MediaWiki.

Informação adicional

Peso 0,0000 kg
Dimensões 0,0000 × 0,0000 cm

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